Computer Services


We are wireless!

The wireless connection was funded through the Friends of the Library.

Although printers are not available to connect to your laptop, they may be in the future.

A Library Web Catalog is available for patron use.

There are four Public Computers available.

Road Runner Internet access is provided courtesy of Spectrum.

All have Windows XP including Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer.


  • Black & White prints are .10 per page.
  • Color prints are .20 per page

 Acceptable Computer Use Policy

  1. Sign up for computer usage at the circulation desk. You need wither a SALS or MVLS library card or a valid I.D.  A two-hour session is granted per day. This session may be taken at one time (as long as no one is waiting) or broken up into 2 sessions.
  2. If you are under 17, you will need the signed permission of a parent or guardian.
  3. You must stay at the assigned computer workstation.
  4. If you experience computer problems during your session get a staff member to assist you immediately. Do not try to fix the computer.
  5. Do not log off or turn off the computer.
  6. Downloading any programs is not allowed.
  7. *Discs, flash drives, CD-R/Ws are now allowed to be used for opening and/or saving documents but not for running programs.
  8. Usage of chat rooms, instant messaging etc. that leads to cyber bullying is not allowed.
  9. Displaying pornography websites constitutes public lewdness and is not allowed on our computers or your own laptop.
  10. Violators of these rules will result in a warning. Upon a second offense of computer rules, patrons will forfeit computer privileges. If you have any questions consult with the library staff.
  11. You are responsible for what you print. Prints are .10 per page.