Adult Book Club is Back!

Back by popular demand the adult book club will meet this October! Participants will meet via the Zoom platform on October 28th at 3pm. The group will read and discuss the best selling novel, Ginny Moon by, Benjamin Ludwig. Copies of the book are available for loan at the library’s Circulation Desk. This is a private event and an invitation is required. Please e-mail: to obtain your invitation. Current and new members are welcome!

5th Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest

It’s that time of the year again! Enter the book themed pumpkin decorating contest!
*decorated and painted pumpkins only, no carvings
*deliver to the library by October 30th

Judging takes place on October 31st
Age Categories
3-6 years old
7-12 years old
13-18 years old

Library Board Meeting Information

The Library Board will meet via the Zoom platform on Tuesday, October 13th at 6:30pm. If you would like to attend, please email to obtain the password.